Event Logo

Innovate. Network. Grow. Impact.

Building an active community of Web3 and blockchain enthusiasts in southern Europe. Offering educational sessions, networking opportunities, and research reports.

Goals and Objectives

Community Building

Educational Sessions

Investment Opportunities

Top Minds in the Field

Research Reports

Partnership Opportunities

Vertical Benefits

Community Engagement


Educational Sessions


Pitching Opportunities

Access to The Pool


Blockchain and Real Estate

Crypto Investing


Web3 - Metaverse, NFT, Gaming

Blockchain & AI

Blockchain Regulations

Vertical delegate:

Vicente Ortiz

Web3 Lawyer, Investor, Speaker

Vicente's practice is mainly focused on blockchain, fintech and cryptoassets and he has led many of the major projects at European and Latam level. Lecturer in different programs at Universities and business schools. Currently involved in all aspects of investing in digital assets via hedge funds or tokenization , as well as real estate transactions in crypto-assets. Awarded: Best blockchain based start-up awards European Comission 2020.

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